Stop Sign

Striving to make Discord server moderation easier and faster


Yeah, our bot is cool and all, but have you seen all the features?


Many users have already given Stop Sign great feedback and barely any bugs appear!


Stop Sign is hosted 24/7 hours and runs on an average of 17 milliseconds!


Our commands were cooked up expertly from experienced Discord bot developers with love!


Your data input is safe and secure with us at all times!


Alternate accounts that try to join your server can be time consuming to ban. With Stop Sign, you can configurate the alt identifier and leave all the hard work of stopping alternate accounts to Stop Sign!

Automatically ban users that spam @here and @everyone to prevent mass pings in your server!

Control the amount of messages that members are sending by using our anti spam system. You can customize the anti spam feature as well!

Trying to mention users with usernames like 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤? By using this feature, you can automatically convert cancerous usernames to normal looking usernames so you can mention them easily!

Stop botted accounts that can raid and flood your Discord server. Turn on the built in verification system in Stop Sign and stop botted accounts easily!

You can use this feature to set lockdown channels so you can lockdown the server if the server is being raided!

Prevent users from saying profanities by setting blacklisted words for the server using this feature!

Are you tired of warning people that send unsolicting Discord server advertisements? You can now use the anti invite feature to prevent server members from advertising other Discord servers!

Prevent users from sending scam or fake links in your server!


Set up a simple leveling system with a leaderboard! More features like bonus experiece roles and reward roles will be available in the near future!

This feature will automatically detect profanities and delete them using artificially intellegent dependencies!

Allow members to obtain roles by simply reacting to a message!

Allow members to obtain roles by simply clicking on a button!


Total Servers


Total Users

Reaction Roles

Reaction Roles

By using Stop Sign, you can easily customize and setup a message that users can react to and add/remove roles to them!


Stop botted accounts that can raid and flood your Discord server. Turn on the built in verification system in Stop Sign and stop botted accounts easily!

Anti Spam

Anti Spam

Control the amount of messages that members are sending by using our anti spam system. You can customize the anti spam feature as well!

Alt Identification

Alternate accounts that try to join your server can be time consuming to ban. With Stop Sign, you can configurate the alt identifier and leave all the hard work of stopping alternate accounts to Stop Sign!

Alt Identification